
Posts Tagged ‘Jeju City’

3rd Annual Jeju Cup Winter Classic ball hockey tournament registration form

October 27, 2016 Leave a comment

The highly anticipated, fiercely contested 3rd Annual Jeju Cup Winter Classic Ball Hockey Tournament will be held on Saturday December 11th at the Jeju City inline rink. Players of all skill levels are invited to participate in this one full day of ball hockey action — the sixth tournament the Jeju Islanders Hockey Club has hosted. Each team will battle it out for the chance of having their names engraved on the prestigious Jeju Cup — now six times bigger!

Facebook event page:

Help us raise funds for the Jeju Islanders Hockey Club so we can grow the sport of hockey in Jeju, and help support worthy charitable causes. All Jeju Islanders weekly games and events rely solely on donations and out of pocket payments to operate. As our team sports over 20 participants each week in our regular weekly games, and as tournaments flourish with attendance many times that, our team’s expenses have risen accordingly. Currently, we need ongoing funding for:

2016-winter-classic-logo-The rental or construction of an equipment storage facility (currently we rely on team volunteers to store and hustle the gear each week).
-Current and future tournament/event costs.
-support of local kids hockey programs.
-new sticks as old ones break, and to accommodate our rising amount of players.
-stick tape.
-street hockey balls.
-goalie equipment.
-equipment maintenance.

To reach our financial goals, we’ll have mini-game prizes, raffle items, merchandise for sale, concessions, and our registration fee that gets you a full day of tournament games and food.

We are actively seeking players, volunteers, and sponsors to make this effort a success.

또 한 번 찾아오는 제주 하키 윈터 클래식에 참가해 주세요!

수준, 경험 전혀 상관 없이 관심 있으신 분들은 누구나 참가 가능합니다.
장비가 없으시다구요? 장비도 다 준비가 되어 있으니 운동화와 편한 옷만 준비해 오세요!
하키의 ‘ㅎ’자도 모르는 하키 무식자도, 경기를 뛰지 않지만 궁금하다 하시는 분들 모두 환영입니다!
참고로 본 행사로 모아진 수익은 기부금으로 쓰이게 됩니다.
하키 게임 외에도 여러가지 재미난 행사들도 진행하니 즐겁고 뜻깊은 행사에 많은 분들의 관심과 참여 부탁드려요!

아래에 참가 신청 링크를 클릭하셔서 참가신청 내용을 작성해 주시고, 참가비용을 입금해 주시면 됩니다.
참가신청 비용에는 점심식사가 포함되어 있습니다!!!
-일시: 2016년 12월 11일(토요일), 오전9시~오후 6시
-장소: 제주 종합 경기장 인라인 링크(참가신청 페이지 참고)
-준비물: 운동화, 운동하기 적합한 옷차림

신청서 작성에 문제가 있거나 문의 있으신 분들은 저에게 메세지 보내주세요!

If you’d like to be a part of the competition and the effort, fill out this registration form:


Once you’ve filled out the registration form, COMPLETE YOUR REGISTRATION and secure your spot in the tournament by transferring 30,000 KRW via ATM bank transfer to:

Bank: ShinHan

Acct Holder: Allan Moore

Acct #:  110-396-549650

To get to the rink, get yourself to the Jeju City bus terminal on the 1132 highway. Head south a few blocks and fade a little east. It’s right beside the swimming pool in the Sports Complex. Here’s a map link:

rink map

Bring your own stick if you have one, but if not, we have plenty of extras for you to borrow.

We’ll divide up our players into an even number of teams via draft at The Bar in Jeju City (we will sort and balance the teams according to skill level, don’t worry) to keep things even and fun. 5 on 5, with goalies!

Goalie gear and hockey sticks are provided.

If you can’t play, feel free to come by as a spectator.

Here’s some press of our previous tournaments:

Inaugural Jeju Cup:
Inaugural Jeju Cup Winter Classic:
Winter Classic semi-final shootout (video):

See you at the rink!

jeju islanders



-Jeju Islanders Hockey Club

3rd Annual Jeju Cup Summer Classic registration form

April 16, 2016 Leave a comment

The highly anticipated, fiercely contested 3rd Annual Jeju Cup Summer Classic Ball Hockey Tournament will be held on Sunday May 22nd  at the Jeju City inline rink. Players of all skill levels are invited to participate in an full day of ball hockey action — the fifth tournament the Jeju Islanders Hockey Club has hosted to date. Each team will battle it out for the chance of having their names engraved on the prestigious Jeju Cup!

Facebook event page:

Help us raise funds for the Jeju Islanders Hockey Club so we can continue to grow the sport of hockey in Jeju, and help support worthy charitable causes. As of now, all Jeju Islanders weekly games and events rely solely on donations and out of pocket payments to operate. As our team has grown to regular weekly games of over 20 participants each week, and tournaments with attendance many times that, so have our required expenditures increased. Currently, we need funding for:

Summer Classic 2016-Current and future tournament/event costs.
-support of local kids hockey programs.
-new sticks as old ones break, and to accommodate our rising amount of players.
-stick tape.
-street hockey balls.
-goalie equipment.
-equipment maintenance.

To reach our financial goals, we’ll have mini-game prizes, raffle items, t-shirts, hats, and toques for sale, concessions, and our registration fee that gets you a full day of tournament games, and lunch.

We are actively seeking players, volunteers, and sponsors to make this effort a success.

If you’d like to be a part of the competition and the effort, fill out this registration form:


Once you’ve filled out the registration form, COMPLETE YOUR REGISTRATION and secure your spot in the tournament by transferring 30,000 KRW via ATM bank transfer to:

Bank: ShinHan

Acct Holder: Allan Moore

Acct #:  110-396-549650

To get to the rink, get yourself to the Jeju City bus terminal on the 1132 highway. Head south a few blocks and fade a little east. It’s right beside the swimming pool in the Sports Complex. Here’s a map link:

rink map

Bring your own stick if you have one, but if not, we have plenty of extras for you to borrow.

We’ll divide up our players into an even number of teams via draft at The Bar in Jeju City (we will sort and balance the teams according to skill level, don’t worry) to keep things even and fun. 5 on 5, with goalies!

Goalie gear and hockey sticks are provided.

If you can’t play, feel free to come by as a spectator.

Here’s some press of our previous tournaments:

Inaugural Jeju Cup:
Inaugural Jeju Cup Winter Classic:
Winter Classic semi-final shootout (video):

See you at the rink!

jeju islanders



-Jeju Islanders Hockey Club

2nd Annual Jeju Cup Winter Classic ball hockey tournament registration form

December 3, 2015 Leave a comment

cover shot
The highly anticipated, fiercely contested 2nd Annual Jeju Cup Winter Classic Ball Hockey Tournament will be held on Saturday December 13th at the Jeju City inline rink. Players of all skill levels are invited to participate in this one full day of ball hockey action — the fourth tournament the Jeju Islanders Hockey Club has hosted. Each team will battle it out for the chance of having their names engraved on the prestigious Jeju Cup!

Facebook event page:

Help us raise funds for the Jeju Islanders Hockey Club so we can grow the sport of hockey in Jeju, and help support worthy charitable causes. As of now, all Jeju Islanders weekly games and events rely solely on donations and out of pocket payments to operate. As our team has grown to regular weekly games of over 20 participants each week, and tournaments with attendance many times that, so have our required expenditures increased. Currently, we need funding for:

Jeju Cup Winter Classic 2015-The rental or construction of an equipment storage facility (currently we rely on team volunteers to store and hustle the gear each week).
-Current and future tournament/event costs.
-support of local kids hockey programs.
-new sticks as old ones break, and to accommodate our rising amount of players.
-stick tape.
-street hockey balls.
-goalie equipment.
-equipment maintenance.

To reach our financial goals, we’ll have mini-game prizes, raffle items, t-shirts, hats, and toques for sale, concessions, and our registration fee that gets you a full day of tournament games, and lunch.

We are actively seeking players, volunteers, and sponsors to make this effort a success.

If you’d like to be a part of the competition and the effort, fill out this registration form: ********

Once you’ve filled out the registration form, COMPLETE YOUR REGISTRATION and secure your spot in the tournament by transferring 30,000 KRW via ATM bank transfer to:

Bank: ShinHan

Acct Holder: Allan Moore

Acct #:  110-396-549650

To get to the rink, get yourself to the Jeju City bus terminal on the 1132 highway. Head south a few blocks and fade a little east. It’s right beside the swimming pool in the Sports Complex. Here’s a map link:

rink map

Bring your own stick if you have one, but if not, we have plenty of extras for you to borrow.

We’ll divide up our players into an even number of teams via draft at The Bar in Jeju City (we will sort and balance the teams according to skill level, don’t worry) to keep things even and fun. 5 on 5, with goalies!

Goalie gear and hockey sticks are provided.

If you can’t play, feel free to come by as a spectator.

Here’s some press of our previous tournaments:

Inaugural Jeju Cup:
Inaugural Jeju Cup Winter Classic:
Winter Classic semi-final shootout (video):

See you at the rink!

jeju islanders



-Jeju Islanders Hockey Club